Left to right: Center, Pine Stuga, East and Autumn Trail. Carlton and Tofte Peak in the background.
Resort map & nightly rates
See each cabin's web page for a full description, specific amenities, photos. A three-night minimum stay is preferred (two-night minimum is required). No Saturday check-ins or check-outs. Reservations for 2025 opened June 1, 2024.
Rate sheets & PDF downloads:
Rates for 2024
Rates do not include tax.
*Cabins with Year Round Rental.
Autumn Trail – #19
$342/night, up to 4 people
5-6 people +$21/person/night
The Carriage House* – #29
$348/night, up to 4 people
5-8 people +$21/person/night
Center* – #22
$198/night, up to 2 people
3-4 people +$21/person/night
East – #26
$285/night, up to 4 people
Fridens Ro – #44
$258/night, up to 4 people
5-6 people +$21/person/night
Gull's Retreat – #20
$204/night, 2 people
Honeymoon* – #34
$279/night, 2 people
Lakeside* – #42
$339/night, up to 4 people
5-6 people +$21/person/night
Little Trail – #18
$171/night, 2 people
Olive's Cabin – #3
$189/night, up to 4 people
5-6 people +$21/person/night
The Phoenix – #7350
$198/night, up to 4 people
5-6 people +$21/person/night
Pine-Stuga* – #24
$231/night, up to 4 people
5-6 people +$21/person/night
Playhouse – #5
$156/night, 2 people + child
Shangri-La – #40
$258/night, up to 4 people